the impact of MUSIC on the Brain

The impact of MUSIC on the brain 

Music is an art of sound in time that express ideas and emotions in significants forms through the elements of rythm,melody, harmony... music could be a sweet company during your day, while in gym, while driving,while taking a trip, celebration...

    Music has an extraordinary capacity to evoke memories, extraordinary power to stimulate our emotion, can remind us of  places, people, event...moreover could affect our mood, while listening to music there are some different feeling and emotions that music let us feel such as hapiness, motivation, nostalgia, positive change, peace, sadness, depression...

the world is filled with different kind of music because of different kind of people, music can be diveded into different genres in many different way, such as :

  • classical
  • hip-hop music
  • Jazz
  • Electronic music
  • pop music
  • Rock
  • Metal music

        every type classify according to the beat, rythm and the tune.

How we react with MUSIC ? "the behaviour"

during listening to Music there is a behaviour generated by your brain like:

  • close your eyes ( to feel the beat)

Vibing Alessia Cara GIF - Vibing Alessia Cara Ready GIFs

  • Snap your fingers ( to follow the rhythm)
Snapping Fingers Randy Marsh GIF - Snapping Fingers Randy Marsh South Park GIFs

  • Bob your shoulders to the beat
Jolly Groove GIF - Jolly Groove Girish GIFs

  • tap your foot

Baby Driver Edgar Wright GIF - Baby Driver Edgar Wright Ansel Elgort GIFs

  • Bob your Head
Listening To Music Headphones On GIF - Listening To Music Headphones On Bella Zuniga GIFs

How your brain receive MUSIC ?

            When you hear a piece of music, the ear converts the sound waves into vibrations in specific parts of the inner and middle ear.

 These vibrations are then translated into action potentials that travel through the eighth cranial nerve to the brain stem, the thalamus,and the auditory cortex in the temporal lobe .

Information from the auditory cortex is transmitted to the frontal lobe which associates the sound of music with these varying patterns of impulses that generate thoughts, feelings, and stimulates emotions and past experiences

What is the Benefits of MUSIC?

      Reducing blood pressure

      Speeds Post-Stroke Recovery

      Chronic headaches & migraine remedy

      Music boosts immunity

      Music improves memory performance

      Music improves concentration and attention

      Music improves body movement and coordination

      Speed up post-workout recovery

      Improve sleep quality

      Enhance blood vessel function

      Reduce stress

      Relieve symptoms of depression

      Elevate mood

      Help people perform better in high-pressure situations

 Music helps us feel better,And when we feel better – more at ease and less stressed – we tend to stay healthier, longer.So keep on listening. Your brain wants music. And your soul needs it.

P.S: let me know in comments about your music genres that usually listen (mention the reasons behind your choice= avoidable)
