improve your Lifestyle by Mastering Self-Discipline

 improve your Lifestyle by Mastering Self-Discipline

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 Have you ever thought to yourself before going to sleep, tomorrow is the day i'll change, tomorrow is the day i'll get up early in the morning have a healthy breakfast, go for a morning jog to breath fresh air, tomorrow is the day i want to change to who i really want to be the best version of myself. But nothing happens. because change doesn't come easy, you have to incorporate certains habits in your life that'll eventually lead to you becoming the best version of yourself.

    Your lifestyle can have a huge impact on your brain health. Aside from eating and exercising, other factors such as your sleep and stress levels are also taken into account to see if they can improve your brain health. 

are you in good shape? do you have a balanced diet? is your work-life balance healthy? 

    let me tell you, of course NO you've been teling yourself you want to live healthier but you have no idea where to start. the good news is that you dont have to spend money on a private chef and personal trainer to live a healthier lifestyle, because it's not about the environment around you, its not about the situation even its not about motivation. it starts with just a few little changes that you'll build upon day after day which is discipline.

    Being able to implement this discipline is key to ensuring success in all aspects of our lives. Discipline allows us to attain our desires through preserving us focused and ignoring distractions. self-discipline alligned with focal point leads to any quantity of achievements from learning a new language, to starting a new career or achieving academic success.
Discipline is a skill. It is a talent that we all have, we just want to exercise discipline in order to become better at it  and, finally derive pleasure from having mastered the artwork of self-discipline as nicely as the health advantages that accrue.

    Discipline is essentially the ability to resist temptation in the short-term in order to achieve more important long-term goals.

    We have to show commitement  to a task for long enough, that task becomes a habit and no longer requires discipline.

So how do we do this?

Set clear goals:

Everyone and everything needs goals. Make sure that ought to be smart ones. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based., such as three to five years from now. Your steady progress on shorter-term goals could create momentum and help you reach your longer-term goals.Commit to these goals and be true to your word.

Set boundaries with yourself :

 If You Struggle With Setting Boundaries, Here's What You Should Do

 Boundaries help you monitor your own behavior and create a healthy structure for your life. They keep you from eating French fries at every meal or staying up until 2 a.m. when you have to be at work at 7 o’clock. When you set a boundary with yourself, you’re saying: “Here’s the line between what’s okay for me and what’s not. Here’s the line that I won’t cross.”

Replace Old Habits:

 Bad Habits

When we're developing self-discipline, we're often trying to break a bad habit and replace it with something more productive. However, if that habit is tied into a certain time of day or routine, breaking it can leave a hole. If we don't replace that habit with something else, then its absence becomes even more noticeable. You must get serious about fixing your bad habits and take responsibility or it will be harder to get rid of them.

Take care of yourself :


    I mean mentally not organically , this is one of the most imprtant thing that you should be aware with, by:

     turn up the tunes: If you’ve ever noticed that certain songs bring a smile to your face, moreover listening to happy music helps stimulate creative thinking.(you can check my first article about the impact of music on mental health)

    dance around: Shaking your booty doesn’t just burn calories. It may also lead to improved mood and body image 

    Get enough Zzz’s: There’s tons of things that can sabotage our sleep, so take sufficient sleep even if it’s just a quick cat nap during your lunch break.

    negative people: As important as it is to learn how to deal with different kinds of people, truly toxic people will never be worth your time and energy and they take a lot of each. Toxic people create unnecessary complexity, strife, and, worst of all, stress. 

    value yourself: You know to be kind to others. But how often are you being kind to yourself? A key tip towards improving your mental health is treating yourself with kindness and respect 

    Lack of discipline is the most significant barrier to change while Self-discipline correlates with positive life outcomes. It is a complete process that involves; personal awareness, desire, determination, recognition and reward. Once a behaviour is recognised and rewarded it gets repeated.

